
Wednesday, 31 October 2012


biokinesis is the ability to manipulate flesh, living tissue with the power of your mind. e.g being able to change the colour of your eye. and the an extreme form of it is re growing a limb or just growing a limb that you have never seen before. this power seems so far fetched its unreal but some have been able to regrow a limb using a special powder maybe this is the key for real biokinesis.

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Infamous 3

Sucker punch created one of the best games in the world involving superpowers. The inFamous series follows a character with electrokinesis (Cole MacGrath) and you help him through the struggles of being a super hero. They have just released a photo of a what looks to be a ad for inFamous 3.

Thursday, 25 October 2012


Electrokinesis is the ability to manipulate or generate electricity. For example being able to turn off and on a light with the power of your mind. This ability is very far fetched due to the physiology fo the human body. If electricity flows the the body there is a chance that the heart will start beating rapidly and will not be able to pump blood around the body. Also the body might heat up and the body will fry from the inside.

Although some people are able to withstand crazy amount of electricity like the man from Serbia.

the electric man

Wednesday, 24 October 2012


Pyrokinesis is the manipulation of fire and temperature using frequencies and electrostatics to create temperature increase in objects or the room. This ability to change the temperature in the room would require you to change your bodys temperatures so its very high just to change the temperature of things around you let alone the whole room. If your brain gets over 40 degres Celsius the brain will turn to liquid. The temperatures you would have to change your body to would be so high that your body could not handle. Even manipulating a flame is very far fetched and I'm having a hard time believing its true.


Cryokinesis is the ability to generate and minipulate ice. Some say that cryokinesis is real, I have seen know evidence of this. I did read that holding ice cubes in your hand a minute a day for a week and then after a week increase the amount you hold it for will give you the ability to change the temprature in the room but I am very skeptical. This would require you to change your body tempreture drasticly just to affect the room let alone your self. Some are also born with the ability to with stand drasticly cold tempretures for a long time period without catching hypothermea. This may be a form of cryokinesis, maybye changing the tempreture of the ice or your body tempreture.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Experimental Telekinesis

On April the 28th 2001 James A. Conard created an experiment to proove telekinesis using a device called the Piezo. This device was so sensitive that if a human hair came in contact with the device the needle would go off the scale. He stood a couple of feet away from the device and was breathing in and out slowly. James had a rule, the 30-30-30 rule which means he turns on the differant devices with a 30 second interval. In the middle 30 second interval the needle moved slightly prooving that micro forms of telekinesis was real.

James Conards hypothises was that when the blood circulates around the brain the iron in the blood comes in close proximity with small magnitite deposits in the brain. The close proximity is said to generate energy and in turn create these telekinetic abilities.


The ability to manipulate fire with the power of the mind. To take control of fire and be able to control the movment of fire kind of like telekinesis but just with fire. A pyrokinetic can not generate fire but only control its movment. Some say it is good to have a candle in front of  you and you have to imagine that the flame is your hand and some how you will be able to move it

Monday, 22 October 2012


telekinesis is the ability to push, pull, vibrate, and lift objects with the power of the mind. Some say that everyone has the ability to perform telekinesis by unlocking there subconscious mind. They say that our mind just now can only use there five senses such as taste, smell, touch, hear, and sight but the subconscious mind can sense way more than five. Unlocking your subconscious mind is the key to telekinesis but i have not seen any proof of this being true


Kinesis is the Greek word for movment, and in todays modern society most movies and games involve some form of kinetic ability such as ;
  • Telekinesis
  • Chronokinesis
  • Pyrokinesis
  • Hydrokinesis
  • Areokinesis
  • Lumakinesis
  • Umbrakinesis
  • Biokinesis
  • Geokinesis
  • Cryokinesis
 I would like to find out if any of this is real. I will be posting my findings, including a video everyday of my attempts to prove telekinesis by trying to move the psi wheel with my mind.

If anyone else finds evidence of kinetic abilities please post your findings on this blog.