
Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Experimental Telekinesis

On April the 28th 2001 James A. Conard created an experiment to proove telekinesis using a device called the Piezo. This device was so sensitive that if a human hair came in contact with the device the needle would go off the scale. He stood a couple of feet away from the device and was breathing in and out slowly. James had a rule, the 30-30-30 rule which means he turns on the differant devices with a 30 second interval. In the middle 30 second interval the needle moved slightly prooving that micro forms of telekinesis was real.

James Conards hypothises was that when the blood circulates around the brain the iron in the blood comes in close proximity with small magnitite deposits in the brain. The close proximity is said to generate energy and in turn create these telekinetic abilities.

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